RATLAB Resources
Schools Activity Pack
We have created a carefully crafted school activity pack aimed at KS2 classes.
Our pack supports the RATLab live experience for both pupils, their carers, and teaching staff.
This pack contains short films and activities that we hope will inspire weeks of learning around our bodies and engineering.
Meet some of the characters from the show before we arrive by watching our specially made films 'Everyday Engines' and Warm-up'.
Respond to the live experience with some discussion points and creative writing exercises.
There are also worksheets to print and complete, games and puzzles to explore, and puppets and masks to make!
RATLab YouTube channel
Explore all learning resources on the RATLab YouTube channel.
Download single pages for print
From Professor Sabina’s bone facts to instructions on how to make your own puppet or rat mask, we’ve got you covered!
Our Teacher's’ Resource Pack contains interactive games, puzzles, and easy-to-follow practical projects, and is available for digital download or as a print version.
Learn the RAT Rap
Cos every mammal on the planet has a skeleton
Muscles and cartilage, ligaments and tendons
On the outside we may seem different
But underneath the skin it’s all the same components …